On Farm Services
Practical Services to support your farming future.
Mā te whititahi, ka whakatutuki ai ngā pūmanawa ā tangata
Together weaving the realisation of potential

Customised support to help you be well prepared for FEP audit requirements triggered by a consent or irrigation scheme.
We support you with understanding the audit process, arranging an audit, pulling together the evidence required, and providing tools and resources to set you up for success.

Farm Environment
Specifically tailored to your farm, our FEP’s help you identify the good management practices you already do, and any areas with opportunity to improve - making it clear the risks and priorities when thinking of on farm management.
It can assist with understanding and demonstrating environmental compliance, record progress towards achieving good management, and demonstrate that you are working towards balancing farm productivity while reducing your farm’s environmental footprint.

Cultural Health
Māori have an intricate, holistic and interconnected relationship with Te Taiao (the natural world) and its resources. The ancestral customary relationship connects Māori to ecosystems and directs how they see and understand ecosystems and ecosystem services. Our Cultural Health Assessments provide you specific information of the history of your property and surrounding environ though a Te ao Māori lens, developing your understanding of Kaitiakitanga (Environmental guardianship) in relation to your own stewardship of the land.

Bucket Testing determines the application depth, rate and how uniformly water or effluent is being applied during an irrigation event.
Our team complete the appropriate test for your system and prepare a report outlining the results and any key recommended actions for each system.
You can use the bucket test report as evidence for your Farm Environment Plan audit.

Our team can support you to plan for winter grazing and how to best mitigate environmental risks around water quality, soil structure and nutrients.
We can provide resources and tools to help you remain compliant, share tips and tricks for making wintering easier that we hear from other farmers, and raise any risks that may occur on your farm and how to mitigate them in the future.

Health Checks
Defining good soil & water by the life it supports, our Ecosystem Health Checks are easy to use tools to measure and monitor environmental indicators on your farm and for your farm system.
Increasingly the onus is on farmers to demonstrate that effects of farming activities on water quality are being managed. Trends from data collected help us understand our catchment ecology better and can strengthen our ability to manage risks of farming activity on water quality and ecosystem health.

Wetland Assessments and
Management Plans
Depending on your needs, our team can prepare simple wetland assessments or in depth management plans which meet your requirements.
We work in with technical experts, rural professionals, and your trusted advisors to build a framework for you to manage your assets in a sustainable and practical way.

Resilient biodiversity is a focus for central government and our local communities. Some farms will require a plan to enhance biodiversity and we can help you build a plan that you understand and can use to increase or protect biodiversity on your property.
Ready to Discover More?
Plan for the future with the insights from your farm data to inform your decisions.